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Infertility Clinic

Are you craving that beautiful smile and those tiny little hands rolling towards you to hold them in your hand? You might be frustrated, annoyed and those crazy mood swings might have hammered your personal and in some cases professional lives as well, but stop!
You are not alone in this, as per research 1 in 10 couples have problems in conception and it's not a permanent issue. There are many couples out there whose google search was full of infertility treatments until last year but after ayurvedic treatment are now searching for the best names for their babies.
Hope is the thing you need to keep alive and we will work together to bring your dreams to life.

What Is infertility?

So if speaking in medical terms Infertility is the failure of a person to donate her/ his contribution biologically in the conception is termed as infertility.
Infertility is the term used when a couple is unable to conceive a baby after having an unprotected sex for a year.
In female infertility might also mean when she is unable to continue being pregnant for her full term of pregnancy. The infertility treatment provided by ayurveda helps to solve the problem and makes the conception a possible thought in case of any type of infertility. Ayurveda not only focuses on physical wellbeing of a person but also considers the psychological impact on the health of a person.
Infertility is not the end of your world but we need to understand the causes so that we could understand the reason behind your inability to have a child.

Causes of Infertility

Both male or female could be the reason behind the failure of conception and thus any one of them could be infertile. The infertility in women could be due to many different factors like the ovary, tubal, age of the female, uterine related issues, PCOS, endometriosis etc. The women facing menstrual imbalance and untimely cycle might get these issues due to mental stress, lack of emotional support, increased physical exercise, busy and hectic lifestyle leading to doshas becoming imbalanced and affecting the balance between vata, pita and kapha

Like females, infertility could be present in males as well. This infertility in males affects the production and transportation of sperms. This infertility might get triggered by the hormonal imbalances in men, varicocele, infections or defected tubules which transport the sperms.

Reasons For Infertility

1.Reasons for female infertility:

1 Age: 21 – 32 is the age where women have strong ability to conceive, which then falls after the age of 32.

2 Obesity: This is the most common factor that has an effect on infertility in both men and women.

3 Sexually transmitted infections: Chlamydia has ability to damage the fallopian tube in women that causes infertility.

4 Mental stress: Stress highly affects female ovulation and also leads to reduction in sexual activities that lead to infertility.

5 Ovarian disorders: Ovarian disorders like PCOS, premature ovarian failure, poor egg quality, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid problems and chronic conditions like AIDS or cancer, can lead to infertility.

2.Reasons for male infertility:

1. Low sperm count: The sperm count below 15 million is considered as low sperm count, and becomes a cause for infertility.

2. Low sperm mobility: In this condition, the sperm is not able to swim and neither is it able to reach the egg.

3. Abnormal sperm: In this condition, the sperm is of irregular shape that makes it difficult to move and fertilize eggs.

4. The conditions like testicular infection, cancer, over- heated testicles, ejaculation disorders and hormonal imbalance, also leads to infertility in men.

5. Genetic factor: In Klinefelter’s syndrome i.e. when a man has two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, the testicles develop abnormally and leads to low testosterone and low sperm count or no sperm.

6. Other reasons like mumps, hypospadias, cystic fibrosis, radiation therapy, diseases like diabetes and thyroid, etc. add on to the reasons for infertility in men.

7. Problems with uterus or fallopian tubes: Surgery that causes damage to fallopian tubes, submucosal fibroids, endometriosis or previous sterilization treatment, all tend to affect fertility in women.

What Causes Female Infertility?

There are multiple causes of female infertility, some of which includes:

Ovulation Disorders

Ovulation disorders are defined as disturbances in the production of an egg (also known as an oocyte or ovum) during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Read More

Damage to the reproductive organs

Delicate fallopian tubes carry fertilized eggs from your ovaries to the uterus. There are more such bodily damages to the reproductive organs that causes female infertility which includes damage and abnormalities to the cervix and uterus, for example fibroids.

Hormonal Imbalances

Imbalance of progesterone can prevent the woman's body from being able to maintain pregnancy. Disorders, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and anovulation, can play a role in the hormone imbalance in women.

Chronic Miscarriage

Some women having infertility issue may be conceiving, but might be frequently losing the conception.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Low nutrition level is amongst leading causes of infertility in women as well as men. Some nutrients have been found to particularly manipulate the health of the reproductive system.

Psychological and Emotional factors

Emotions affect your body and your health and your fertility as well. When it comes to understanding and treating female infertility, the mind-body connection is becoming an important point of focus.

What Causes Male Infertility?

Male infertility could be caused due to many different reasons some of these includes:


When the veins swell leading to drain the testicle is termed as varicocele. And this becomes the most common cause of infertility in males. The reason behind this swelling is still not known to an exact extent.


Many times the type of infection which is hit to the male body could be such which affects the sperm production and its health as well and could also hinder the passage of the sperms. Some infections caused through the sexual intercourse come under this category for example HIV.

Ejaculation Issues

This is a situation where the semen instead of emerging out the tip of the penis enters the bladder during orgasm. This condition could be present in more patients dealing with diabetes, injuries in the spine, surgery of the bladder.

Antibodies that attack sperm

Sometimes the antibiotics taken to cure certain diseases might affect the sperms and its health and attempt to eliminate them.


The tumors caused to the male body like cancers could lead to a dysfunction in the male reproductive organ. Other than this the person going under chemotherapy could also lose the fertility due to the heavy treatment and rays.

Hormone imbalances

In many cases the cause of infertility is found to be the hormonal imbalance in one's body. The sperm production is highly affected due to this.

Defects of tubules that transport sperm

The tubes which carry and transport sperm might also contain defects or might be injured which gradually leads to infertility. This defect could also be caused due to any infection or surgery or unwanted growth.

Problems with sexual intercourse

A male might experince a decrease in erection while having sex for the whole period of the intercourse,or early ejaculation, or might experince pain during the intercourse.

Sperm Disorder.

A male might experince a decrease in erection while having sex for the whole period of the intercourse,or early ejaculation, or might experince pain during the intercourse.


Management of infertility in Ayurveda

As per ayurveda the external ways to remove a body’s dysfunction is not as appropriate as the self healing is, the hormones which are disbalanced can be cured by the body itself. Ayurveda believes in healing a person’s mind which automatically affects the hormonal imbalance and reduces the stress of a person.

Dietary Management

Ayurveda dietary management is of utmost value. A person’s daily intake of food plays an important role in the protection of the body from diseases and impurity of the outside world. To maintain a healthy life as per ancient times food is the most important element.

Treatment principles of Infertility in Ayurveda

Aam pachaan & Treating Agni

The undigested food in the stomach might lead to many imbalances in agni and cause many other diseases. Ayurveda works on providing proper diet to the person so as to cure the agni of the individual.

Vata Anulomana

As per ayurveda vata is the root dosha for infertility and curing it is of utmost importance. This is done by following regular exercise and proper and healthy diet.


Sodhana is carried out after Suitable sneha-swedas. This helps to eliminate the impurities from the body and corrects the ovarian, tubular and uterine problems causing infertility.

Ayurveda herbs

Ayurveda herbs used in the treatment of infertility plays a vital role in improving the health of the individual, in eliminating the impurities and in removing the unwanted toxins from the body. These herbs also cures the damaged organs in the body causing infertility.

Infertility is not the end of your dreams and it’s definitely not the disorder present only in women. We are here with therapies and treatments which will help you conceive and produce real results.

Today when we see our patients visiting our clinic with their kids, it makes us feel proud and so it's now time for you to bring a new life to this world. We believe in offering wholesome treatment to infertile couples, to enable them live a complete life. If you are looking to consult someone who has moved things in the space of expertise, Dr Jyoti is the best Ayurveda practitioner for you in Indore and around.

Let's plan your baby…


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Ankur Ajmera


Happy to share about yoga and meditation . Amazing and stress reliver . I met Dr. Jyoti Patidar ma’am few years back and started with yoga than after taken a janubasti because of the continues pain in my knees which helped me a lot, almost relieved with the problem, with that I also took some more therapy which later helped me in my blood pressure and diabetes too. Have full trust on the panchkarmas and other Ayurvedic treatments as they have no side effects and long lasting benefits. All thanks to Dr. Jyoti ma’am for her guidance and treatments.

Yogesh Shah


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praveen saxena




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