15 MR 4, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

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Loose motion could be a really problematic situation and causes immense level of memory loss, but when caused intentionally while undergoing an ayurvedic therapy is termed as Virechan and the therapy is technically understood as therapeutic Ayurved Medicine induced purgation therapy. For a specific amount of time a person is made to undergo controlled purgation. Due to an increase in pitta dosha many different diseases are caused which includes Hyperacidity, herpes, gulma (Type of tumor) jaundice, anemia, skin diseases etc. The most suitable season for the virechana therapy is ‘autumn’.

Causes of Excess Pitta

There are various reasons why Pitta can increase in the body. This includes:

Having intake of food which has elements which increase the pitta like pungent, sour, salty, deep-fried, and processed food. These when consumed give rise to the pitta dosha.

Constantly facing the chemicals or toxins. This increases the level of pitta in the body due to the properties of chemicals.

Exposure to excess sun and heat could also lead to increase in the pitta elements in the body.

Stress is your greatest enemy and not the one giving it, Stress and tension that causes excessive emotional flare-ups.

Avoiding giving rest to the body and working constantly can also increase the pitta dosha.

An improper diet where food that increases Pitta (pungent, sour, salty, deep-fried, and processed food) is eaten.

Consuming too many stimulants like coffee, tea, alcohol, and nicotine.

Improper lifestyle like late night sleeping.

Purpose of Virechana :

To eliminate the increased pitta dosha out of the body the virechana therapy is targeted. Oral medication can be used if the increased pitta dosha is curable and thus it can be suppressed. Expulsion of this pitta form is important if it has increased to a large extent and if it has moved from its natural place to other places. The disease often gets cured completely during this procedure. Expelling the pitta from the anal root is easy since the pitta is situated at the level of intestines. During the procedure the Pitta Dosha needs to be forcefully brought from the extremities and different organs into the intestines, and then purgation is induced, to expel it completely.


The toxins that get accumulated in the liver and gallbladder are removed with help of virechana. Pitta disorders such as dermatitis, chronic fever, heartburn, jaundice, etc. can be removed with the help of virechana.

When Should Virechana Be Avoided:

Virechana must never be performed on small children, the elderly, those suffering from diarrhea, depression, Tuberculosis and also if the gastric fire is very weak.

Pre-Procedure :

The patient is subjected to oleation (Snehana) and swedana -fomentation prior to the Virechana procedure. The procedure is carried out for three to seven days which includes internal oleation followed by a medicated steam bath performed for three days.

Before beginning therapy the factors like body and mind constitution, age of the person, mental condition should be considered. After considering all the conditions the patient is given Virechana medicine.

Main Procedure:

To produce loose motions in the beginning the procedure is followed. With a hot water bag or heating pad the person is asked to have fomentation to abdomen. The loose motion initiated by this procedure generally starts in an hour or two. The procedure is stopped as soon as the Pitta gets eliminated and Kapha in the form of mucus starts coming out. The patient doesn’t get exhausted in the procedure

Diet Indications After Virechana Karma (Sansarjan Kram):

Regular diet cannot be consumed by the patient just after the Virechana therapy as the digestive capacity of the patient is reduced. Hence at first the person must go on a liquid diet and gradually it should turn into the solids.
The patient who underwent Virechana must take a bath with lukewarm water on the next day of the therapy.
Well cooked old rice must be used in preparation of the manda peya bilepi and that should be consumed by the person in the three meal course time and in the fourth meal gruel prepared with rice in small quantities can be taken.

Benefits Of Virechana

Virechana is practiced to cure many different issues like:

* Promoting a healthy body by detoxification of the toxins from the body

Toxins generated in the body cause many different issues and they need to be cured at the right time and the best ever therapy with zero side effects is Virechana. The detoxification process is carried out under proper supervision.

* Regulating proper metabolism by detoxifying the toxins from the liver

The liver is one of the most important body parts and thus it needs to be maintained or else the result could cause harm to the whole body. The liver when it becomes weak affects the whole metabolism.

* Beneficial in skin disorders, urticarial rashes, allergies

The skin disorders are something every woman deals with, some might find it difficult to manage the day to day activities due to the issues and thus the best way to get rid of these is virechana. The different kinds of allergies can also be treated with the help of therapy.

* In case of Gout, rheumatism, purgation is classically said to be the best

ThThe best way to treat Gout, rheumatism, and purgation is the virechana therapy. The therapy is considered to be the best and most effective one with no danger of recurrence.

* Mainly works on curing Gastro-intestinal disorders

The therapy mainly works on the Gastro-intestinal disorders, these are well maintained and correctly build the balance in the body and remove the toxins which causes other gastro issues.

* Reduces weight by removing excessive fat from the abdomen

Everybody wishes to have a slim body with low carbs and thus is ready to do anything for this. Ask the ones whose weight is above their expectation, their only wish will be to have a treatment done to come into the right shape and when virechana works on eliminating the toxins it also helps in losing weight.

* PreConception Program

As per Prakriti Parikshan before conception issues can be cured related to infertility cases, in both male & female patients. For the Al detoxification treatments Virechan is important.
Recurrent abortion, positve torch test can also be cured with Virechana.
Other benefits of virechana are it helps in lowering the cholesterol, improves the liver function, reduces the fat on the liver, chronic headache, acne, hyperlipidemia, improves the function of the kidney and heart.


"PANCHKARMA" Absolutely fine place for whome who are fadeup, taking allopathic treatment and still suffering. I am taking treatment from PANCHAKAMA and belive me its really helpful. No side effects of treatment only having good health. I highly recommend PANCHKARMA. Everyone should try once. There is no harm. Thank u Dr. Jyoti. She is having deep knowledge of Ayurveda. Very kind and helping women. Thanks once again and wishing very all the best for spreading AYURVEDA knowledge.

Ankur Ajmera


Happy to share about yoga and meditation . Amazing and stress reliver . I met Dr. Jyoti Patidar ma’am few years back and started with yoga than after taken a janubasti because of the continues pain in my knees which helped me a lot, almost relieved with the problem, with that I also took some more therapy which later helped me in my blood pressure and diabetes too. Have full trust on the panchkarmas and other Ayurvedic treatments as they have no side effects and long lasting benefits. All thanks to Dr. Jyoti ma’am for her guidance and treatments.

Yogesh Shah


My experience on Ayurvedik therapy and treatment from Dr. Jyoti is superb.. I was suffering from chronic diseases from approx 10years , hyper acidity, gastric problems, had taken allopathic treatment from many drs. in Indore, Bhopal and Bangalore but result was not good, now I took punchkarm from Dr. Jyoti and feeling surprised that we can get positive and permanent result in Ayurveda only. Good result by punchkarma in all dieses.

praveen saxena




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