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Understanding Male Infertility: A Comprehensive Guide to Causes and Symptoms!

Male infertility can be caused by a variety of factors. The best treatment can only be achieved if the root cause of the problem is identified and treated. At our Male infertility Clinic in Indore, we use several methods to address the root cause of male infertility. Medical causes of male infertility include: Varicocele Retrograde ejaculation Infection Anti-sperm antibodies Benevolent and malignant tumors.

How Does Male Infertility Develop?

In most cases, there are no obvious symptoms. The only way to know for sure is to get a medical diagnosis. But there are some signs you may notice and do something about them. These include a decreased sense of taste, difficulty sleeping, testicular pain, and more.

Male infertility treatment in Ayurveda | Male Uttarbasti low sperm count treatment @drjyotiayurveda

Male infertility can be caused by a variety of factors. The best treatment for male infertility can only be achieved if the root cause of the problem is diagnosed and treated. At the Male infertility clinic, Dr Jyotiayurveda, several methods are used to target the root cause of male infertility. Medical conditions that can lead to male infertility include: Varicocele Retrograde ejaculation Infection Anti-sperm antibody Benevolent and Malignant tumors

Symptoms and Causes

What causes male infertility?

Many biological and environmental factors can impact your fertility. Possibilities include:

Azoospermia: Your infertility can be related to your inability to produce sperm cells.

Oligospermia: The production of low or poor quality sperm.

Genetic diseases: Examples include Klinefeflter’s syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, microdeletion and more.

Malformed sperm: Sperm that cannot live long enough to fertilize the egg.

Some medical conditions: Examples include diabetes, some autoimmune disorders, cystic fibrosis and some infections.

Some medications and supplements.

Variococles: This is a condition where the veins on your testicles are larger than normal, causing them to overheat, which can affect the shape or number of your sperm.

Cancer treatments: Chemotherapy, radiation or a surgery that removes the testicles (one or both).

Unhealthy habits: Substance use, including alcohol, smoking and drugs.

Trauma to your testes.

Hormonal disorders: Disorders that affect your hypothalamus or pituitary glands can affect your infertility.

What are the symptoms of male infertility?

Infertility itself is the symptom. However, it’s much more difficult to describe the negative psychological and emotional symptoms infertility has on a couple who wants to have children. Many times, conceiving a child becomes the total focus of their lives. Feelings of depression, loss, grief, inadequacy and failure are common in males as well as females seeking pregnancy.

Individuals or couples experiencing any of these feelings may want to seek professional help from healthcare providers like a therapist or psychiatrist experienced in dealing with infertility issues. Such providers can help you deal realistically with the situation and provide support even while you are going through treatment.

How do doctors determine if a man is infertile?

The first step in diagnosing male infertility is to conduct a thorough history and physical exam. The primary focus of the examination is the examination of the husband's sperm. This simple, non- invasive test can provide you with a wealth of information. In order for an egg to fertilize, a man needs to produce millions of healthy and mobile sperm. 

Fertilization occurs when sperm are unable to penetrate an egg due to problems with their number, mobility, or quality (known as MORPHOLOGY).

Is there anything special that needs to be done before analyzing semen?

  •   Abstinence for 3-7 days before semen analysis is recommended.
  •   It’s best to only deliver your sample inside the lab, where the temperature is controlled, and to avoid a sperm-killing gap of more than seven days between sexual encounters.
  •   If a home collection is still desirable, remember to keep the turnaround time to the lab to less than 30 minutes.
  •   If you’ve been sick recently, you shouldn’t get a semen analysis.

When and why should a man see a specialist for male infertility?

The inability to conceive is the most apparent symptom of infertility. There may be further outward manifestations of whatever ails you. Signs of sexual dysfunction or hormonal difficulties, such as erectile dysfunction or a lack of body hair growth, may be present in an infertile male.

Is It Time To See A Doctor?

Men should see a doctor if any of the following apply to them:

  • They have a low sperm count or problem with sperm production or function
  • They have a history of prostate, testicular, or any sexual problem
  • They have undergone cancer treatment
  • They have swelling in the scrotum or small testicles
  • They have a history of infertility in their family. 

Dr. Jyoti Ayurveda Offers Treatment for Male Infertility

Ayurveda is based on the principles of healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. Hence, the main purpose of Ayurveda is to remove the toxicity and balance the dosages and the drugs are only provided for this purpose. Many lifestyle disorders can be treated with ayurvedic practices.

These are named as:




Thrayopasthamba palana


Achara rasayana

Ashtanga yogas

Male infertility could also be cured with the help of Panchakarma therapy which is not only beneficial but also free from side effects.

Male Uttarbasti:

Uttara Basti has a purifying effect. It cleanses the genitals and restores sexual function. Uttar Basti treatment is used to treat infertility in men and nourish the reproductive system. It is very effective in the treatment of impotence. It is done by pouring medicated oil into the canal of the penis. It is usually used for two purposes. One is to treat any illness related to the production and strength of the penis, and the other is for the maintenance of a healthy penis. It is a very safe procedure.


Since male infertility is caused due to kapha/vata imbalance, vaman plays a major role in the removal of male infertility. Vamana Karma is very effective in the treatment of male infertility patients. It increases the chances of conceiving to a very high percentage. It also helps in weight reduction, increases metabolic rate, improves the skin glow, and balances the HPO axis. As a result, our ovaries release the ovum and control the menses.

Virechana (Detoxification):

In the majority of cases, women with male infertility suffer from acidity and various other stomach issues due to excessive pittas dosha. The procedure of virechana removes body waste (excess pittas) and toxins from the small intestines and other areas where pittas are present.


According to Ayurveda, Vata Dosha plays a vital role in the incurrence of Gynaecological Diseases. And Basti is one of the ardha chitsa for Vata Dosha. Basti is considered by Ayurveda as one of the most effective methods of panchakarma for the treatment of Male Infertility. Basti Chikitsa has been found very effective for the treatment of male infertility.

Vajikarana Chikitsa:

Charak Samhita says that if you use these formulations correctly, you will get good body shape, strength, and skin, and you will be sexually excited and sexually strong. This is beneficial for many common sexual problems such as infertility, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction, as it increases the sperm count.


When male infertility is diagnosed early, ayurvedic treatment for male infertility and lifestyle adjustments have a positive effect. Dr. Jyoti Ayurveda gathers patient information. Reviewing the patient’s medical history and recommending further testing if necessary. After carefully assessing the patient, medication is prescribed.


"PANCHKARMA" Absolutely fine place for whome who are fadeup, taking allopathic treatment and still suffering. I am taking treatment from PANCHAKAMA and belive me its really helpful. No side effects of treatment only having good health. I highly recommend PANCHKARMA. Everyone should try once. There is no harm. Thank u Dr. Jyoti. She is having deep knowledge of Ayurveda. Very kind and helping women. Thanks once again and wishing very all the best for spreading AYURVEDA knowledge.

Ankur Ajmera


Happy to share about yoga and meditation . Amazing and stress reliver . I met Dr. Jyoti Patidar ma’am few years back and started with yoga than after taken a janubasti because of the continues pain in my knees which helped me a lot, almost relieved with the problem, with that I also took some more therapy which later helped me in my blood pressure and diabetes too. Have full trust on the panchkarmas and other Ayurvedic treatments as they have no side effects and long lasting benefits. All thanks to Dr. Jyoti ma’am for her guidance and treatments.

Yogesh Shah


My experience on Ayurvedik therapy and treatment from Dr. Jyoti is superb.. I was suffering from chronic diseases from approx 10years , hyper acidity, gastric problems, had taken allopathic treatment from many drs. in Indore, Bhopal and Bangalore but result was not good, now I took punchkarm from Dr. Jyoti and feeling surprised that we can get positive and permanent result in Ayurveda only. Good result by punchkarma in all dieses.

praveen saxena



  • What is male infertility?

    The apparent failure of a couple to conceive due to certain kind of issues on male part or any kind of health issues in a man that decreases the probability of his female partner from getting pregnant is called male infertility.

  • Symptoms of male infertility may include-

    1) Sexual dysfunction (ejaculation disorder, reduced sexual desire, erectile dysfunction)

    2) Disorders of spermatogenesis (formation of sperms) accounts for 50% of male infertility. Sperm count lower than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million per ejaculate is not considered a normal count.

  • As per Ayurveda, Healthy lifestyle can cure your various disorders including infertility. One should follow :






    Trayo Upstambha- Aahar, Nidra and Brahmcharya.

  • Causes of male infertility can be :

    Sperm Disorder


    Retrograde Ejaculation


    Immunologic Infertility


  • Ayurvedic herbal medicines shows great results in low sperm count, poor morphology, poor motality or in some cases of Azoospermia. Also, Panchakarma treatment is given in cases of poor sperm quality due to some diseases like Diabetes. Ayurveda gives miraculous results in sperm related issues with a three months treatment.

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