15 MR 4, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

Boost your child immunity with Suvarnaprashan


  • what care does a pregnant women need in ayurveda?

    The vata dosha needs more attention during pregnancy, as it affects the energy of the nervous system. Caring for vata is best done with a diet of fresh, plant-based, whole or sprouted grains and non-processed foods. Warm, freshly cooked foods with healthy oils of olive, ghee and coconut are good.

  • Yes, ayurveda is totally safe as it is natural. Pregnant women can use the principles of Ayurveda to care for themselves during pregnancy, and support their recovery period after their baby is born.

  • As per ayurveda one must take care of both emotional and nutritional needs of a pregnant woman. Ayurveda provides certain herbal medications to be given to the mother during her pregnancy to ensure proper and healthy growth of the baby.

  • Ayurveda works on elements and after studying the various physical and mental aspects of a child's health Ayurveda has defined certain medications and practices for child care.

  • Low Immunity: As per ayurveda the kids which are now being born have a low immunity level as compared to the earlier ones due to genetic factors.

    Low Food Quality: The children today have eating habits which contain less of protein and more of fat. Even the parents who should be the ones monitoring their child are having bad eating habits and increased intake of fast and junk food.

    Low Duration of Breastfeeding : In present world due to lack of knowledge and unhealthy diet the mothers are unable to produce enough amount of breast milk.

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